Charleston Forge – Beautiful Furniture Made In America

Art & Susan Barber, founders of Charleston Forge, say they make “beautiful furniture in America”. This furniture is so much more than that. This is hand-forged in North Carolina. This is artisan-level craftsmanship. Each piece of furniture is beautifully finished in a wide choice of metal and wood finishes and can feature amazing custom glass.

We admire these beautiful products and the people who create them. We wish that we could put at least on piece in every client room we co-design with our clients. Take a look. You may fall in love too.

, Charleston Forge – Beautiful Furniture Made In America, BY DESIGN furniture + interior design

Watch as the craftsmen at Charleston Forge create the Omega Collection

, Charleston Forge – Beautiful Furniture Made In America, BY DESIGN furniture + interior design

Incredible Glass. Beyond the beautiful combinations of custom wood finishes and custom metal finishes, Charleston Forge offers stunning glass options. Fusion Glass, Forged Glass and Faceted Glass truly lie in the you’ve got to see this to believe it category:

, Charleston Forge – Beautiful Furniture Made In America, BY DESIGN furniture + interior design

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