Euro Contemporary Design
Don’t get us wrong. As a furniture store that specializes in interior design, aesthetics are a priority for us. However, we also place equal importance on creating functional spaces that people enjoy living in. Striking a balance between form and function is crucial to ensure that the design not only looks appealing but also serves [...]
Are they right for you? Low profile sofa and sectional designs are everywhere! Every BY DESIGN vendor now has introductions with a very low, European look. This design gives these collections a longer, more elegant look. The rooms they’re in even seem bigger. Who doesn’t love that? How about comfort? Low profile design almost always [...]
This confident and contemporary client worked with Laura to create an ultra modern space that works so well. Furnishings to finishes it is lovely.
I love our new Calligaris collection. In fact, I found the perfect piece to put in my own kitchen.
We have a beautiful new contemporary furniture line and gallery at by Design store in Clive. Come in and see what “Italian Smart Design” is all about.